Our recent webinar attendees have been having great success with the Pomodoro Technique that we recommend. Just in case you haven’t heard of this productivity technique, we decided to share some of the basics with you so that you can try it out for yourself!
For many people, time is the enemy. Stress and anxiety triggered by ‘the ticking clock’ can lead to ineffective work and study habits and a tendency to procrastinate. With so many distractions around us it can be hard to stay on task and remain focused. If you also have this problem from time-to-time the Pomodoro Technique might just be the answer.
So what is the Pomodoro Technique exactly? How does it work? And how will it help you to improve your productivity?
What is the Pomodoro Technique?
The Pomodoro Technique is a very simple time management technique that you can use to improve your work and study habits. It’s called the Pomodoro Technique because it uses a small plastic kitchen timer shaped like a tomato, and pomodoro is tomato in Italian.
How does it work?
First, write a list of tasks you’d like to complete. Then, set the Pomodoro timer (or any timing device) for 25 minutes and make a promise to yourself that you’ll spend the entire 25 minutes working on that task without interruption. Then, immerse yourself in that task until the timer rings at the end of the 25 minutes. After this, you can take a short 5-minute break – go for a walk, get a coffee or do some stretches. For every four Pomodoros you complete, you can take a longer break (20–30 minutes) to give your brain a rest before beginning the next round of Pomodoros.
How will this help you improve your productivity?
The Pomodoro Technique isn’t just about helping you get things done – it’s about learning how you work so you can save time in the future. Do you ever wonder where all your time goes? The Pomodoro Technique can tell you how much time and effort you spend on a certain task. You’ll eventually be able to estimate and predict how many Pomodoros it will take to accomplish tasks in the future. It can also help you manage distractions and interruptions and stay focused on the task at hand. Finally, by taking regular breaks, it can reduce burn out, and give your brain a rest so it’s fresh to start the next task. Procrastination can leave you feeling guilty, and if you haven’t had a productive day, it’s easy to end up feeling like you can’t enjoy your free time. Mastering the Pomodoro Technique will enable you to truly enjoy your time off!
So, if you find yourself procrastinating too often, if you feel like you’re spending too long on a certain task, if you feel overwhelmed by deadlines, or tend to get distracted easily while at work, the Pomodoro Technique may be the solution for you! If you’d like to take a more in-depth look at the technique, visit the official website at http://www.pomodorotechnique.com. It’s pretty simple – we suggest just giving it a try!
Share this entryLyn has taught research methods and data analysis in New Zealand universities for over 25 years. She is an NVivo Platinum Certified Trainer and has previously trained for SPSS NZ, so is confident working across quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods projects. Her own PhD research focused on motivation, time management and information management with postgraduate students, so she’s pretty well placed to help you out with some tips for maximising productivity and reaching your research goals.