Feel like you’re drowning in data in NVivo? Not sure if your coding framework is fit for purpose? Can’t see the wood for the trees? This masterclass is aimed at researchers who are familiar with the basics of NVivo, who are looking to extend their knowledge and discuss some of the challenges involved in coding complex data sets in NVivo. It’s intended to be a very practical course, so bring along your research experiences and questions as there will be plenty of opportunities for discussion.

While the course content will be primarily tailored to the needs of participants, we will cover:

  • Developing a well-designed coding framework
  • Techniques for moving beyond coding into interpretation
  • Looking for patterns in your coding
  • Techniques for ensuring rigour e.g. checking for “missing” coding
  • The importance of memos in the coding process
  • Moving beyond coding towards writing

This masterclass is perfect for researchers who have a current NVivo project, and are wanting to get the most out of the software. You can work with your own project during the masterclass (or use the sample data if you’d prefer). We won’t be covering any of the basics, so you’ll need to know a little about qualitative coding and also be comfortable with creating and working with codes in NVivo.